Our employees completed additional training of Man Over Board situation. Education was organized in october 2021 in cooperation with Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Portorož.
Safety at work is an integral part of pilotage. When safety at work is at stake we understand it as safety of our employees as well as safety of others. Since our establishment we have devoted our selves to education of our staff, elevation of professionalism and provision of safe and continuous pilot service in Port of Koper. Technical equipment and additional various know how help us reach that goal.
Awareness of potential hazards and training at techniques of saving a person form the sea elevates our safety.
Training exposed many possible complications when handling with safety and rescue equipment.
Practice enables us to develop in depth understanding and adequate reflexes which is important in case of emergency where second and adequate reactions of the crew can represent the difference between heavy injuries, fatal outcomes or merely wet clothes.
Knowledge is safety!